
SLAMpeg 4680: Alpha Female vs Tesha Price

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SLAMpeg 4680: Alpha Female vs Tesha Price

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Alpha Female stands tall in the ring as wild Tesha charges in to deliver a shove. Alpha barely moves, striking an intimidating pose as she towers over her foe. Tesha grabs Alpha Female by the throat only to have her hand shoved away before eating a Chokeslam from the juggernaut! Tesha has clearly bitten off more than she can chew once more as Alpha Female effortlessly lifts her into a Torture Rack and dumps her in the corner turnbuckles.

Price is pummeled with a vicious corner Lariat, Bodyslam, and over-the-knee Backbreaker drop. Alpha Female grinds Tesha down with Camel Clutches, single leg Boston Crabs and abdominal claws as she takes full command in the ring. Tesha has no defense against the German’s raw power and is easily hauled up for a Canadian Backbreaker rack into a devastating facebuster! An Argentine Backbreaker drop is just overkill on the broken Tesha and Alpha Female finally finishes her off with a ten-count pin to put a bow on this beatdown.

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