SLAMpeg 5575: Jeyla Jey vs Rylee Rockett
Rylee is laying outside the ring in pain when Jeyla approaches the ring. After unceremoniously picking up Rylee and tossing her into the ring, Jey follows and starts a relentless beatdown on the already beaten-down Rylee.
Jeyla tosses Rylee across the ring like a ragdoll, pulls at Rylee’s hair, spams her face-first into the mat and the turnbuckles, and continues to demand that Rylee answer the question, “Who’s the best pro wrestler in the world?” Jeyla continues to overpower Rylee, wrapping her hair around the ropes and pulling, slamming her into the mat and the turnbuckles, squeezing Rylee in a Headscissors.
After a few more minutes of forearms, hairpulls, and refusals to answer Jeyla’s question, Rylee finally relents and declares that Jeyla is the best wrestler. Her reward for that acknowledgment? A forearm blow to the head from Jeyla that leaves Rylee out cold on her back.