SLAMpeg 4426: Rocky Radley vs Tesha Price

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No referee for this 2 out of 3 falls match.

Solid chain wrestling to start, and Rocky is the first to take a shortcut when she pulls Tesha's hair. Radley and Price exchange leglocks and armbars before trading a series of lightning-fast rollups, small packages and cradles. They all lead to near falls until Tesha finally manages to pin her opponent's shoulders for the count of three with a rollup.

Less technical moves in the second fall, which is dominated by Rocky. She wins a test of strength and chokes away before nailing a big Bodyslam to tie the score at 1 fall apiece.

The third fall is a chopfest, with both ladies now taking shortcuts in order to gain the third and deciding fall. Tesha tries a Camel Clutch, handspring kick, and facebuster for near falls, while Rocky nearly takes the win after a high knee and subsequent spear. Both competitors absorb a lot of punishment in this one and it shows when they both grab a leglock in order to submit their opponent. Which one of these tough grapplers will tap first?

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741 MB
17 minutes
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SLAMpeg 4426: Rocky Radley vs Tesha Price

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