
SLAMpeg 5261: Ariel vs MsChif

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SLAMpeg 5261: Ariel vs MsChif


Previously released as Member Match 99.

Ariel seems fairly apprehensive before locking up with MsChif. And when the two come together and MsChif greets Ariel with a blood-curdling scream, Ariel backs away quickly.

When the two powerful grapplers again come together, Ariel locks on a Full Nelson, which MsChif turns into a Side Headlock (and another frightful scream), before Ariel Hiptosses her to the mat. Ariel locks on a Headscissors, but MsChif manages an inventive and eye-popping escape to turn it into a Boston Crab.

MsChif connects on a Suplex, then straddles Ariel and rains down forearm smashes. Ariel ducks a Clothesline after an Irish Whip and lands a double axe handle, Hiptoss, and a Dropkick for a 2-count. MsChif responds with punches, forearms and kicks, and a running Clothesline in the corner scores her a near fall. With momentum in her corner, MsChif unleashes another roar. A sitout Powerbomb only keeps Ariel down for a 2 count and leads to a terrific series of reversals and blocks before one warrior is able to hook legs and nail a DDT for a final 3 count.

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