SLAMpeg 2931: Kellie Skater vs Su Yung

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Madison Eagles wears the stripes as Kellie Skater takes on Su Yung in a fast paced match that hums with excitement from the opening bell. Skater and Yung start lightning quick and never let up, exchanging armlocks, Full Nelsons, and wristlocks in rapid succession as they struggle to get an edge on their opponent. Su scores first, controlling Kellie with hairpulls and a rope leveraged Hammerlock before delivering a devastating wheelbarrow facebuster to the top turnbuckle. Madison argues with Su as Kellie barely survives a rope-assisted Mutalock before finally turning the tide by ducking a runaway corner splash.

A wild brawl sees the Aussie emerge on top, leveling Su with a lariat, jumping back elbow and Dropkick before nearly stealing the match with a tight Fishermanbuster Suplex! Just when it looks like Kellie has a clear path to victory Su hits a desperation sit out face slam that rattles the ring and Slater’s noggin!

Several clever counters, reversals and near-falls will keep you guessing until a tight pin scores the win and leaves the victor celebrating her well-earned triumph over her beaten foe.

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SLAMpeg 2931: Kellie Skater vs Su Yung

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