
SLAMpeg 1802: Luscious Latasha vs Solo Darling

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SLAMpeg 1802: Luscious Latasha vs Solo Darling


What our two combatants in this match lack in height, they make up for in spirit, talent and sheer largess of personality. That talent gets a real showcase here but not before the personalities emerge in good-natured banter involving Solo’s Shark Girl alter ego and the merits of Taco Bell!

The kidding around never quite stops but it’s soon accompanied by the busting out of some solid wrestling chops. Fluid chain-wrestling sequences give way to mat wrestling and leglocks. Bosoms are prodded (don’t ask!) and crotches are Headbutted. Chokeholds and front facelocks are applied. A screech-inducing Sharpshooter variation puts an end to the match but not to the witty exchanges.

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298 MB
10 minutes
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