
SLAMpeg 3751: Amaiya Jade vs Cherry Bomb

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SLAMpeg 3751: Amaiya Jade vs Cherry Bomb


The decibel levels are high in this match, thanks to the earsplitting screeches, taunts and assorted vocalizations of Cherry Bomb who interrupts the ref's announcement with loud boos directed at Amaiya. She challenges her opponent to a test of strength, but cops out with a cheap shot and a Headlock, only for her victorious yells to be turned into screams of pain when Amaiya reverses into a neckscissors.

This is the beginning of a long and intricate chain wrestling sequence of head/waist/arm-locks that's brought to a halt only after Amaiya loses her patience, takes Cherry down with shoulderblocks and squashes her with some spirited corner punishment. And so it goes back and forth as Amaiya leverages her superior strength only for the cruel and wily Cherry to find a vulnerability to exploit.

One lady ends this hard-fought match with a vicious Superkick that leaves her opponent down and out.

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