
SLAMpeg 4656: Lindsay Snow vs Chico Adams

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SLAMpeg 4656: Lindsay Snow vs Chico Adams


After Lindsay knocks Chico’s ego down more than a few pegs, he finds himself competing for the right to call himself Lindsay’s strongest opponent. It’s not a Title Belt, but a bragging right is a bragging right.

A less than conclusive opening test of strength doesn’t help his cause as powerhouse Lindsay is about as much as he can handle. Armbars, Side Headlocks and scissors test more wrestling skill than strength but Chico is far from dominating and only just hanging in there. He will definitely not be able to claim to be Snow’s most flexible opponent as her STF variant and Bow and Arrow have him bending in unintended and inadvisable ways!

With the legal means at his disposal failing him to this point he resorts to less legal options and starts to really take it to Lindsay. However Snow once again proves equal to the task as gives back at least as good as she got if not better.

Forget strongest male opponent, Chico is just trying to escape this one with a win but Lindsay gives him a very painful reminder he is a man, will it be his downfall?

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566 MB
12 minutes
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