SLAMpeg 1581: Courtney Rush vs Santana

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The story of this match might be "What goes around, comes around."

Courtney wins the initial test of strength and lays out the groundwork for the match. She bites Santana's face, Suplexes her to the mat and delivers multiple Atomic Drops that leave Santana with an aching tail bone. The high-flier is grounded and pounded by the larger Courtney. Desperate to stay in the match, Santana resorts to a low blow.

Now it's Courtney's turn to be Suplexed and Atomic Dropped. Santana plants Courtney butt first on her knee not once, not twice, but three times! She even mounts Courtney and punches down at her, more than returning the favor. Now it's Courtney's turn to break out a low blow. All hell breaks loose and the pro moves start flying: Belly to belly Suplex, Russian Leg Sweep, Swinging Neckbreaker, DDT, Dropkick, Mutalock, facebuster, Shattered Dreams...Courtney and Santana go back and forth in an exhilarating game of Can You Top This?

Even after a submission is earned, they continue to fight! It doesn't end until one of them is choked out.

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357 MB
12 minutes
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SLAMpeg 1581: Courtney Rush vs Santana

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