SLAMpeg 4802: Alex Gracia vs Madi Maxx

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Alex offers Madi a friendly handshake to start their 1-on-1 match. Madi is somewhat hesitant to take the offer, instead demanding that Alex use some hand sanitizer, considering the times we live in. She even asks where Alex has been over the last 14 days, but finally agrees to a handshake.

Alex starts off with a sudden rollup for a near fall, then frustrates Madi with Waistlocks and Headlocks before taking her down with a shoulder tackle and a Snapmare. Madi finally escapes a Chinlock with a jawbreaker, then follows up with shoulder thrusts and illegal use of the ring ropes. Then again, what's illegal when there's no ref? So Maxx gladly wraps Gracia's hair around the ring ropes. Gracia further endures Clotheslines, a huge forearm, and a Sleeperhold before a humiliating slap across the face wakes her up.

A fired-up Alex takes the fight to Madi, splashing her in the corner but going to the well once too often. Will this prove to be her final mistake in this contest?

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SLAMpeg 4802: Alex Gracia vs Madi Maxx

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