SLAMpeg 3668: Kikyo vs Leva
Slammin Promotions
It's a real size mismatch here as Kikyo takes on Leva in a match that's all over the place in terms of tactics, trash talk AND color palette.
Leva makes the mistake of engaging with Kikyo in a test of strength and is bent back over the latter's knee for her troubles. She does bounce back, however, initiating what ends up being a long, intricate chain wrestling sequence of armbars, armlocks, facelocks and more, cleverly keeping her larger opponent close to the mat.
Once Kikyo manages to make it back to her feet, however, things go south for Leva as she's choked over the ropes, Suplexed, Waistscissored and generally beaten to a pulp.
Will Kikyo's momentum hold or will Leva manage to find a last minute power-up?
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518 MB
12 minutes
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